On a trip in 2018 with the Australian Junior Fed Cup team I (Emma) found that I had three completely different personalities.
So essentially, I had to bring out the best in the team. I had to change who I was.
So, for example, one of my players, she was from far north Queensland, top out of Australia, and she’s so casual and she’s so relaxed. At the change of ends it almost looks like she’s sort of lying down. I have my chart and my notepad. And she’s like: “Coach, you don’t need that.” I got my pen and chart and then I was like “Oh, I don’t need that” And I put it down.
The next player where half Russian, half Australian. Yes. She’s like “Come on” and in a little more in your face. So, I was up and down, off my chair.
The third player she was 6-0, 0-6 and who would know what would happen in the 3rd set. So, I had to be like a flatline.
The reasoning I mention this story is that I think even though I’m an extrovert and I’m fun and I’m energetic that wouldn’t have brought out the best in all three of those players if I was myself. So, at the end of the week it’s almost like, I have multiple personality disorder.
At the end of the day, they didn’t really care what I knew. They knew that I cared. I cared through the accountability of the value, the incredible raging elephant. Once you get buy in from the players to create the behaviors, then as the coach, the accountability is so much easier. How do you think we went with improvement today? Did we do our charting or whatever it might be?
We all need to do a better job on how we coach female players and language, is number one.