Too often I have made the mistake of not being willing to regress practice drills. Starting out with drills way to difficult for the players to master & then progressed the drills only to blame the players for not being able to master the drills instead of thinking about what environment I created for them to learn within.
Now a days I start out with almost laughable easy drills no matter what level I’m working with in order to engineer early wins.
I believe the players need to experience early wins to overcome initial fear of failure & insecurities. So instead of only doing a couple of progressions of a drill, I now do multiple short progressive drills with young players in order for them to experience mastery & have the self-belief to dare failing when the going gets tougher.
Before deciding on what drills to do I ask myself:
1) What is the most important learning principle in order to master the skill
2) What are the most common failure points?
3) What is the easiest drill with guaranteed succes?